Discrimination and Double Standards against Hindus continue in Kerala

via HK published on August 3, 2011

No matter who rules the state, Hindus remains as a neglected lot in Kerala – Thanks to our enlightened Hindus who sing paeans to Secularism.

In yet another glaring example on how the ‘Secularism’ works in this State – According to directives issued by Education Director Muhammed Hanish Quarterly exams will start on August 22nd and for Muslim Schools only on September 15th. (A Government School will become a Muslim School, the day when it have more than 50% Muslim students)   

Mohammed Hanish and his Education Minister from Muslim league have taken special consideration for Muslim students as it will be difficult for Muslim students to attend exams during Ramzan.

At the same time what Education Ministry forgot is that August 21st is Sreekrishna Jaynathi and Janmashtami celebrations is one of the  biggest event for Hindu Kids.      

Balagokulam urged govt to reschedule the time table of quarterly exams as it comes the next day after Janmashtami. This is the occasion, with highest kids participation happens.  There will be “shobhayatras” and various culture programs conducted entire kerala under Balagokulam. Also, Avatar Pujas happens late night in the temples on Aug 21.  As this is the situation it will be very much difficult for kids to participate in the programs & pujas ,said V Harikumar, State Organizing secratary, Balagokulam.

Balagokulam asked the government to change the date from Aug to Sept.  If Muslims schools can conduct exams in the month of September, all other schools can also conduct on the same day.  

Hindu Aikya Vedi also warned the government over this decision. This is nothing but a clear discrimination against Hindus and shows the double stand of this secularist govt, said Kummanam Rajasekharan, HAV State General secratary.

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