Did Moscow Play Fraud on Marx – Book Review

via Dr T.H.Chowdary - http://www.drthchowdary.net/index.php published on October 18, 2008

Did Moscow Play Fraud on Marx
(The Mystery of Marx Engels article on 1857)
By Prof. Devendra Swarup

A learned history professor
Published by Historians Forum
7E Swami Ramananda Thirtha Nagar, New Delhi-110055
Price :Rs. 50/-; Pages: 111

This small book is a compilation of a series of 28 articles published in the Organiser Weekly from June 10, 2007 to Dec 23, 2007. Communists every where are very well-noted to be adept at fabricating “ facts ‘to write history from their perspective. The Communist Party of India encouraged by their mentors in the Soviet Union through the former Marx Engels, Lenin, Stalin Institute wanted Indian readers to believe that Marx was a prescient and profound guru to the world and that he wrote about the Indian soldiers and rulers revolt against the British East India Company in 1857. They wanted the Indians to believe that Marx characterized the revolt as a national one. Earlier these Communists and their handlers in UK, Rajani Palme Dutt and Harry Pollitt used to characterize the 1857 events as the last attempts of the feudal order of India to re-establish itself by getting rid of the British rule.

Prof. Devendra Swarup pains- taking research shows that some unsigned articles which appeared in a US newspaper on 1857 events in India were without any proof and contrary to all evidence attributed to Karl Marx. They have been plenty of manipulations in the texts in order to sell a doubtful author to Indians by Communists in India and former Soviet Union. Prof. Devendra Swarup research brings out the mendacity of Communist historians and propagandists professing the communist faith. People wanting to know the truth about Marx, the Communist Party here in India and elsewhere should read Prof. Devendra Swarup’s excellent tract.

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