Death threat to VC’s daughter, No one bothered in Kerala

via Raghavan Nair published on October 14, 2006

No one raised any kind of concern about death threat to the daughter of the VC issued by the Islamic terrorists. It was expected that the state Governor who is also the Chancellor of the University or the SFI leaders like Comrade Sindhu Joy and her gang who are always on lookout for issues to stir up discord in campus might have at least come up with some kind of statement condemning the incident. Needless to say that the blame for the deplorable state of this University and its Campus goes to those think tanks who inducted Arabic Courses there to demonstrate its secular nature. In a way, the move was also aimed at tarnishing the sanctity that the Hindus give to Sanskrit language and the University at the birth place of Adi Sankara. However, the death threat letter very clearly demonstrates as to what extent the NDF and such groups have penetrated to the campuses in Kerala.


The threat letter is only a litmus test like the bomb scares being staged at different parts of the state. They know for sure that if they dare to commit such a heinous crime in Kerala state, they shall face the wrath of all political parties and communities and their designs shall be exposed.


In this particular case, Muslim Student P.S. Shapna raised certain complaints against the VC. A high level committee of 7 members which included Dr.Malini Hariharan and Syndicate Member Dr.M.K.Joseph was ordered by state Governor to look into her complaint and submit their report. Findings of committee had been that the complaints raised by Shapna were baseless and fabricated. The committee was very critical about Shapna and mentioned in their report that she did not show the maturity or character of a research student and she used threatening language even to members of the committee. She even ridiculed the motherly advice of Committee President Dr.Malini Hariharan. The concluding remarks of the committee have been that Shapna was behaving with ulterior motives and outside support.


The right thing for the university was to take stern action against this girl based on report of the Committee. There again appeasement policies are adopted which leads to this kind of threats. Already there are deliberate efforts in progress to bestow immunity to the Scarfies (those with scarf) and the Veilies (those clad in veil) and terrorize others with its advantage. It is a reality in Malabar area and at other parts of the state the Scarf and Veil are spreading fast. We must endeavour to isolate them and their designs. Or else, there shall be Fatwas in our campuses too like the way they are being issued in Alighargh Muslim University Campus and Educational Institutions in J &K. 


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