Crushing CROSS over Kerala

via SYNONYMOUS published on May 17, 2009

Have a look at the following lists.

AK Antony, PJ Kurien, KV Thomas, PT Thomas, PC Chacko, Anto Antony, Jose Maani, Kodikuunil Suresh (converted) and Vayalaar Ravi (half-cross) – these are the list of MPs who will represent Kerala in Indian parliament. KE Ismail, PV Wahab, E Ahmed, Shanawaz, ET Basheer – this is another list of MPs’ of Kerala.

Together they make up 50% of the MPs’ from Kerala.

Let us see the balance list – Chandran pillai, PR Rajan, Thennala Pillai, Sampath, Peethambara Kurup, Dhanapalan, Raghavan, Sudhakaran, Ramachandran etc,. Most of them are out and out anti-Hindu in their approach. Most of them do not have any voice or leverage in Delhi . And none of them are concerned about the problems of Hindus in Kerala and will never even attempt to voice our concerns in any forum.
Be it :-

a.      ever increasing governmental encroachment into temple administration
b.      aggressive religious conversion targeted at Kerala Hindus
c.      utter disregard for Sabarimala pilgrims by not providing any facilities
d.      ever increasing terrorist outfits operating through Kerala with finance from the Gulf countries
e.      ever increasing missionary work master-minded from Kerala
f.        discrimination against the Hindu community in the Gulf countries
g.      discrimination against Kerala Hindus by restricting their avenues for education in professional colleges (most of them owned by Christians and Muslims)
h.      planned displacement of Hindus from certain districts and regions in Kerala
i.         the dwindling population of Kerala Hindus by forcing compulsory family planning measures on them alone
j.         planned love affairs for conversion or suicides of Hindu girls
k.      forcible take-over of lands from Hindu Adivasis
l.         highly discriminatory expenditure of public money in favour of Christians and Muslims of Kerala
None of these 15 namesake Hindu MPs are going to utter even one word in Indian parliament.

Is this democracy with universal adult franchise?  In effect, it is proving to be distorted democracy with double franchise for Christians and Muslims. The so-called majority is completely neglected, side-lined and even insulted with no impunity.

At the end, we have only ourselves to blame for our own plight. If only we realize our mistake and if only we have some selfless leaders like in other communities, can we redeem our past glory that may be lost for ever.

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