Crime,Corruption and Jihadi masala in Kerala

via Surinder Paul Attri published on March 21, 2007

1. The state of Kerala lies on the Malabar Coast of South-West India. Kerala has the reputation of being the most literate, most gender-equitable, and the healthiest, amongst the states of India. Like other states of India, Kerala is also a democracy, but its politics is dominated by Leftists, Marxists, and Leftist-Congressites. As a result, the economy of Kerala is operated via socialist/welfare-based principles. Yet in spite of these socialist efforts, suicide rates and un-employment rates of Kerala rank amongst the highest in India. Outwardly, Kerala is educated, technological, and economically advanced (relatively). But Kerala is not what it appears to be. In fact, this picture of Kerala is very phoney, because underneath this façade of thriving success of Kerala, is a nightmare of crime, corruption, Jehadi-Masala, and plenty of unlawful activity.

2. The people of Kerala in general, and Hindus in particular are indifferent and disinterested, to the subsurface rot that abounds practically all over the landscape of Kerala. Organized crime thrives and enjoys profuse political patronage, in the state of Kerala. The potential for disaster is phenomenal, and ought to be of interest to Keralites, especially to the Hindus of Kerala.

What kind of crime exists in Kerala ? Any kind of crime, you name it, and it survives in Kerala. Loan-Sharks, Arms smugglers, Moon-Shiners, Bootlegged whiskey-traders, gasgsters, and Rum-Runners are running rough-shod all over, and can drive a coach and six through a statute, they do not hesitate to take the law in their own hands either. Kerala is an amazing product of composite culture.

3. This kind of subsurface disintegration and degeneration should not surprise any body. Marxist government, Marxist Media, and Marxist Police are a dangerous combination, and a perfect prescription for crime and corruption. Traditionally, Leftists and Marxists have been friendly towards the Moslems and the Christians, and Unfriendly to the Hindus. They pretend to maintain religious calm in Kerala, by co-operating with the Moslem and Christian Leaders, with whom they share their ill-gotten wealth as well. Bad guys never go to jail.

Question: What are the Moslem Leaders (who are co-operating with the Leftist government of Kerala ) up to, in the composite culture of Kerala ?

Answer: Besides enjoying their place of prestige and power, they are also advancing the agenda of Islam. Quran divides humanity into two camps, the believers/faithfuls ( the Moslems ) and the unbelievers/unfaithfuls ( the Non-Moslems ). Quran rules out any peaceful co-operation or co-existence with the Un-faithfuls ( the Non-Moslem Infidels/Kafirs ), unless the Faithfuls are compelled by the force of circumstances, and the faithfuls are too weak to deal with the Kafirs.

4. Quran’s commands to Moslems are specific:

a. Convert the Kafirs to Islam ( peacefully )

b. If they resist, then send them to their grave, before Allah consigns them to hell-fire.

You can be certain that Moslems of Kerala are following Quran’s commands. They are also communicating and collaborating with the terrorist and Jehadi outfits of Pakistan and Bangladesh. Thus they have much greater political and fire-power, than their numbers in the population suggest.

The leftist government of Kerala does not want to offend the Moslems of Kerala, and treats Moslem law-violators with kid-gloves. Besides, Kerala Police is well-paid ( handsomely bribed ) for its soft-policing of the Moslem areas of Kerala.

5. To put it simply.

The heat of crime and corruption is on; in fact they are the norm in Kerala. Anything to the contrary, or something in between the two, does exist here and there, at least for the time being.

Hindus of Kerala have a right to live a life, without the degeneration of crime and corruption. They can get it if they try hard, and resolutely stand up to the anti-national forces of crime and corruption. Hindus can achieve and establish their paramount supremacy, if they get their act together.

Hindus outside of Kerala, need to assure the Kerala Hindus, that they are not alone, and that Non-Kerala Hindus will come to their aid, if required to do so. This will build up the morale of the Kerala Hindus.

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