Crime Branch raid in Christian fraud centre

via HK published on September 30, 2006

Muringoor:As per High court directive, Crime Branch conducted raid in Christian divine retreat  centre in Muringur today.The Raid was under Crimebranch SP , Muhagir and a group of Medical doctors.


They collected valuable documents to prove the fraud bussiness going over there.They have admitted thousands of Mentally ill people without any single Medical personnel in the centre and the team also found out huge quantities of Drugs and Tranquilizers from the centre.They have been using this on inmates on heavy doses without any proper Medical advice. 


The Mental home, De addiction centre, Nursing Home and  Pharmacy in the centre are working illegally without any licence informed the Doctors in the Team


High court ordered investigation against this Mafia centre in the name of  Jesus, in response to various complaints from different quarters accusing Conversion activities,Mysterious murders of inmates, Human right violations, Encouraging drug usage among inmates,Sexual exploitation etc.


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