CPM finds fault in Muslim Appeasement – Ideologically Bankrupt CPM’s ‘Identity’ crisis

via HK published on May 31, 2010

Thiruvananthapuram: Ideologically bankrupt CPM is now paying price for it’s ruthless ‘Muslim Politics’ known as ‘Identity Politics’ put forward by their so called intelligentsia leaded by hardcore Jihadi KEN Kunhu Muhammad and P K Pokker through their so called cultural organ Purogamana Kalasahithya Sangham (Pu Ka Sa).

Realising the folly of blind Muslim appeasement followed by the party under Pinarai Vijayan and his cohort KEN, A section of it’s leaders have now came forward to reject the Identity Politics which alienated Hindus from it’s mass base.KEN and Pokker who used CPM as a effective tool against Hinduism is now accusing CPM for it’s shift in policies which they term as ‘Soft Hindutva’!

CPM who boasts themselves as torch bearers of class struggle had left their ideology to upkeep with the Capitalist love of their leader Pinarai Vijayan and Jihadi soft corner of KEN.

The leaders were busy developing Brand CPM – The Multicrore bussiness organ in the state by owning multiple Television Channels,Amusement parks, Five star Hotels,Publication houses, Multicrore Real estate Business and so on. While their leaders were busy developing their Business empire with the help of black money of Pharis Aboobacker’s and the booty earned from Lavlin scam rift between party and common man was also widening in the same pace.

When their leaders were busy developing their Jihadi votebank , by hobnobbing with  deadly Jihadi terrorist Abdul Nasser Madni and Jama’at Islami as per the agenda set by KEN – the leaders failed to realize that those Hindus who supported the party so far are not fools.

When Pu Ka Sa advocated that celeberating Onam is against the secular Nature of the party, When Pu Ka Sa tried to dictate their Jihadi ethos inside the holy temple  inside Poonthanam Mana, When Sudhagaran competed with KEN in ridiculing Hindus and Hinduism, When CPM set their agenda to capture temples from the hands of Hindus,  When M A Baby tried to glorify Hindu Massacre of 1921 by Jihadis as part of freedom struggle in History books – CPM failed to see their upcoming fate.

The current ideological debate of Marxist theologians in the name of ‘Identity politics’ is nothing but yet another effort of CPM to fool the Hindus before coming election.

Yes in the eyes of Hindus CPM has an Identity. We the Hindus Identify Marxists as epitome of Hindu Hatred, We the Hindus Identify Communism as an Intolerant Ideology who cannot withstand even a slightest criticism, We the Hindus Identify your comrades as blood thirsty criminals who want to wipe out your Hindu brothers for the sake of appeasing Jihadis, We the Hindus identify your leaders as heirs of Stalin, Mao and Polpott who massacred millions.

The current crisis CPM facing has nothing to do with their ideology as showcased by Media – But they themselves are paying the price for bad karma which they perpetuated over the years. The Marxist who played a major part along with Congress in Marginalising Hindus from all sections of Society will have to pay a hard price for that, as they were knowingly or unknowingly cutting the very branch they were sitting so far.

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