Church raising funds for Orissa from aided schools in Kerala

via HK Correspondent published on January 23, 2009

: The Church knows how to make use of any event and take advantage of it. Events in Orissa have been blown up to the optimum and fund collections are in progress internationally, by raising hue and cry that thousands have lost their houses and hundreds lost their lives. But as we have witnessed as to how Christians in Kerala reacted to the whole issue and put in their best efforts in keeping the issue alive to maximum possible time, in the fund raising also they are using all the means.


In the name of rehabilitation in Orissa, BelieversChurch in Kerala has been collecting forced donations from even the aided school students. Letters to this effect have been sent out to the aided schools from the offices of the Kerala Dioses Secretary, Mission’s Director and General Administrator. This move in fact is against the Rules in this regard that any collection from the aided school students must be based on directive from the Government or the higher authorities in Education Department. Ignoring all such norms, letters in covers asking the donations have been handed to students from 1 to 10th standard. Contents of the letters have been designed in such a way to generate religious hatred in the minds of children by depicting happenings in Orissa to their best advantage.


Undoubtedly, crores of rupees being collected from abroad and in India will definitely be used for conversion in a more vigorous way.

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