Approach courts to stop Christians from misusing Hinduism

via GSK Menon published on April 27, 2010

The Telegraph newspaper dated 27th April has featured an article “Convent tag misuse worry for Church”. It is reported that several educational institutions are using the term “Convent” and this is a blatant misuse of a Christian term. Various dictionary meanings have been given to prove that “Convent” is for the exclusive use of Roman  Catholic Church and in the Anglican community. It is also reported that the Karnataka government has issued a circular directing non- Christian institutions to stop using convent tag if it is not run by Christian priests or nuns.

Are not Christian institutions misusing Hindu religious terms ? Many Christian institutions are using the terms ‘Ashram” “Gurukul” “Vidya Peeth”  “Kshetra”. These are all Hindu terms to describe their institutions and organisations. Is this not a misuse ? Hindus should be worried more so because they do not eat non – vegetarian food and liquor in their institutions, whereas  that is the staple food of Christians.

Similarly , Christians are misusing names of Hindu Gods and Goddesses like Amala, Nirmala, Vimala, Parmeshwar, Mahesh etc.The Christians in Malaysia had adopted a similar malpractice by calling Jesus as Allah ! The Muslims, as usual created a big furore and riots. The matter is now pending before the Malaysian Supreme Court to decide as to whether other communities can use Allah to describe their Gods ?

Hindus also should approach the courts to stop Christians from misusing their religious terms, customs and rituals.

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