A Kairali Christian Mata Hari

published on September 24, 2012

Spies should be shot dead, electrocuted or hung by the neck until dead – whether in times of war or in times of peace. The USA, The Patron of all our Sonias, Poll Cheats, Haramzaadis, Manmoghaand Singhs, Ambikas, Diggy Rajas, and KGBallocks, has killed every spy either out-of-hand or after some farcical Trial. In India, Incredibly, we pay for their ticket back to USA, Islamabad or Roma, if caught red-handed and there has been too much adverse coverage. If not we plant them quietly as PMs, and Heads of NAC, NSC, Minorities Commission, Election Commission etc. once they prove their credentials.

Wonder where Ammijaan’s Haneef is planted now, and whether MMS is already experiencing the Pangs of Sleeplessness over Beula

Thus it is we find Ready Made Excuses by Husband Alex Thomas, a typical Coonan-Cross-bred namak-haraam (our personal view of course) claiming that the apprehended wife is mentally ill, and he lets her roam around freely. A Holy Cow, on India’s streets, no less. Maybe some Cardinal will Sharamlessly Certify that she was born insane, and is not responsible for her deeds, and all Crusading activities for and on behalf Her Gawd, and her Country are Pardonable; payment for the Dispensation will be arranged from Abroad through usual Sources.

So how did this Mad Cow aka Buela M. Sam know enough to get a False ISRO ID card made up for heself – in Punaluru in Kollam District yet? How many of us have enough savvy to locate a Fake IDCard Provider in your friendly, Secular Neighbourhood?

And does it not reveal the existence of Spy Shoppes where you can get all your Dirty Tricks needs like Passports, IDCards and maybe a ready-made IUED too, all over the State of Kerala?

A Fit Candidate for inclusion in Sonia ’s NSA and NSC.

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