Amritha Varshini – The new Spiritual E-Magazine

published on April 8, 2012

Dear All*

Due to overwhelming response from all the members of the group, I am glad to enclose herewith the January 2012 Issue as a Sample Copy of our e-Magazine *’Amritha Varshini’.*

‘Amritha Varshini’ is an electronic magazine which currently *being circulated through eMail*, to more than 60+ Subscribers across the globe and growing.

The Magazine which was launched in January 2012 and so far 3 Issues have been released so far.

The magazine is priced at just Rs.20/- per Issue and readers can subscribe for any number of months.

Part of the proceeeds of the magazine is being utilized to support Veda Pata Shalas.

Those who are interested in Subscribing please mention *’New Subscription’ *in the Subject and mail to

Wishing you all a happy reading and warm regards!

*Anand Vasudevan*
*Editor – Amritha Varshini*

Amrithavarshini January 2012

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