via HK published on November 23, 2006



                                      Interview with P.K. Krishna Das


Puthen Kunnummal Krishna Das was unanimously elected as the Kerala State President of the Bharateeya Janatha Party at the meeting held on November 5 at Thrissur.  The 43-year-old Krishna Das, a Swayamsevak right from his child hood, hails from Peringalam, in Thalassery, Kannur District, the hot bed of Marxist terrorism and violence in the State.  A teacher by profession, Krishna Das was state leader of ABVP, BJYM and General Secretary of BJP since 2003.  He represents the young and dynamic face of the BJP in the state.  His unanimous election made an upbeat mood in the party. After taking charge as President, in an exclusive interview to Haindava Keralam correspondent, K. Ramakrishnan, he reiterated that the BJP in Kerala would strive to up hold Hindutiva in letter and spirit.  Excerpts from the interview:


As the new president of Kerala BJP what are your priorities?

In spite of RSS having a strong network in every nook and corner of Kerala, the organisational set up of the party at the grass root level, at the booth committee level, is not so strong. My first priority would be to strengthen the booth level set up and to develop an efficient and broad based core group. The BJP flag and ideology should be visible everywhere. The entire Kerala BJP will reach the people with mass agitations, taking up the issues that affect the common man.  As politics in Kerala is highly polarized between the LDF and the UDF, my aim would be to increase the BJP vote share by 20% so that the party can win seats in its strongholds.


After your election, you said you would uphold Hindutva. What steps do you propose to take to uphold Hindutva?

The party would definitely strive to propagate the message of Hindutva to the masses. As you know, our so-called secular politicians have deliberately distorted Hindutva as anti-Christian, anti-Muslim and so on. As part of the Guruji birth centenary celebrations, the party has decided to organize seminars, symposiums and meetings, stressing the importance of cultural nationalism. The BJP would whole-heartedly strive to convey the message of Hindutva to the people.


Our cash rich temples are managed or rather mismanaged by Governments through politicians.  Whether it is the UDF or the LDF, they aim to snatch the wealth of our temples. What steps do you propose to liberate our temples from the clutches of anti-Hindus and non-Hindus?

BJP is of the view that temple should be managed only by those who believe in temple worship. Our temple administration should be handed over to Hindus who believe in temple worship. The present practice of Government controlling the temple administration is against the spirit of secularism enshrined in the constitution. While secular Governments dare to touch the administration of Churches and Mosques, politicians, some of whom swear that they are not Hindus and they don’t believe in God, mismanage temples of Hindus. Is it not a paradox? Presently the Marxist government proposes to bring about legislation to grab the administration of temples. The BJP would fight against this injustice politically and at the same time join with other Hindu organisations to restore temple administration back to Hindus. 


Respecting Hindu sentiments, cow slaughter is banned in all Indian States, except Kerala and West Bengal.  What would you do to save our cows, sacred to Hindus? 

Hindus consider the cow sacred mainly because of spiritual reasons. In fact it has got an economical aspect too.  Cow is closely linked with our agriculture oriented villages.  Time and again, BJP has proclaimed that cow slaughter must be banned. In our villages, cow is the lifeblood of our farmers. Also, the Cow is a symbol of our culture because of spiritual reasons too. Definitely the BJP would campaign against cow slaughtering in Kerala.


Consolidation of Hindu votes across all castes is a must. What steps do you intend to take to consolidate Hindu votes? 

Hindus remain divided because of the policies of both the Congress and the CPM. In order to safeguard their vested interests, these parties play any dirty trick to divide the Hindus.  While the Congress paved the way for the collapse of the Hindu Mahamandalam, the Marxists nipped the recent NSS-SNDP initiatives for unity in the bud. Today Hindus feel that they are sidelined in all spheres of life.  In the name of secularism all our Hindu symbols are destroyed and desecrated and have strong feelings about ignoring Hindu sentiments.  At the same time ordinary Hindus realize that they have to remain united irrespective of caste, creed or color to preserve and protect their unique identity and culture. The BJP would definitely join hands with other Hindu organisations, such as RSS, VHP, etc., to help achieve Hindu unity.


Do you think community based organisations like NSS and SNDP can help consolidation of Hindu votes? Or do you think they are a stumbling block on the road to Hindu unity?

If NSS and SNDP function based on a wider perspective, it would definitely help to achieve Hindu unity. On the other hand if they pursue their narrow community agenda, then they are negating the very ideals of their founders. Remember that the founders of both these organizations, Mannathu Padmanabhan and Sree Narayana Guru aimed at Hindu unity.  But unfortunately, in course of time, shrewd politicians, particularly the Congress and Marxists used every opportunity to successfully derail these organisations. There is anger and anguish among Hindus of Kerala. They are expecting the emergence of a nationalist movement and the BJP would try to rise up to their demands and build a strong nationalist BJP in Kerala.  We hope to strengthen our relationship with NSS and SNDP and also enter into dialogues with other Hindu organisations and hope for a total unity of all Hindus.


BJP ruled States like Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh have introduced anti-conversion laws to curb de-Hinduisation of society. Both the LDF and UDF are unlikely to do anything similar in Kerala. Are you planning to launch any campaign for a law against conversion? Don’t you think such a move makes sense electorally for BJP?

BJP has always proclaimed that conversion would create serious repercussions in our society. Actually, religious conversions are against the principles of secularism enshrined in our constitution. In fact, it has proved that conversion creates social imbalance in our society. But certain missionaries with the help of foreign money are hell bent on converting poor and lower caste Hindus with false promises.  I strongly feel that conversion should be banned in all states of India through legislation.  In Kerala, for obvious reasons, neither the LDF nor the UDF would support such move. Hindu organizations are doing their best to conveyance the people about hidden agenda of Christian missionaries. BJP will be in the forefront to ban religious conversions.


Most of the visual/print media in Kerala has proved to be strongly anti-Hindu, anti-Sangh Parivar and anti-BJP. Are you planning any steps to counter the negative image of the BJP created in the minds of public by these anti-national media?

As rightly pointed out by you, most of the print/visual media are against Hindutva forces.  In this context I feel that we must fully support all Hindu based periodicals such as Janmabhoomi, Kesari, etc. As part of Guruji centenary celebrations, using our large network, we must reach the society proclaiming our mission. To spread our culture far and wide, we must also join hands with other spiritual organisations, such as the Sri Ramakrishna Mission, Mata Amritanandamayi Mutt, Art of living foundation etc . These Ashrams are also bringing out periodicals to disseminate our culture. The recently launched initiative, the Haindava Keralam web site has to be appreciated. We must ensure that all Hindu based magazines/periodicals are getting maximum circulation. 


With generous help from Pakistan and Gulf countries, Islamic terrorism seems to have laid deep roots in Kerala.  Do you foresee a repeat of the infamous 1921 Moplah riots in the near future?  If yes, are you planning any steps to alert Hindu society to the mortal danger facing it?

The situation in Kerala is alarming. The Kashmir problem is much more severe than what happened during 1921 in Malabar.. But Kerala is fast becoming a Kashmir.  Pakistan controlled Muslim terrorist outfits with the support of ISI are fast trying to make this State a replica of Kashmir. Unless and until the growth of these extremist forces is checked, we may have to pay a heavy price for our carelessness.  In order to garner the 25% Muslim votes, both the UDF and the LDF are competing with each other to please the Muslim fundamentalists.  During the last Assembly elections, the Marxists openly sided with PDP, Jamatee Islami, NDF and other rabidly communal Muslim out fits only to win seats.  The History of Congress is not different. Now both these parties have rallied behind Saddam Hussain just to get Muslim votes. BJP is taking the issue very seriously and from November 21 onwards we have launched number of programs to highlight this danger.  A series of mass agitations, rallies, seminars and other events are planned at different parts of the State to draw attention to this danger. 


While Muslims seems to have launched a land grab movement along Kerala coast, Christians are going ahead with a similar campaign in the hilly regions of the State.  What steps are you planning to alert Hindu society to the loss of their sacred land to the anti-nationals? 

The large-scale land deals that take place in Kerala, particularly in important areas are with the help of Hawala money. There were reports of bringing in money in huge containers. The government must strictly prevent such illegal transactions and should firmly deal with the culprits. BJP would focus on this issue and would educate the masses about the imminent danger.


Are you really willing to give up forever the wasteful effort of chasing the mirage of minority votes and concentrate on winning the support of a solid Hindu vote bank created by the BJP, with full support of the rest of the Sangh Parivar?

As far as the BJP is concerned, it believes in ‘Sarva Dharma Samabhava’, which is the hallmark of Hindutva. Our motto is “Justice for all and appeasement of none.”  BJP is of the view that all sections of the society should merge with the national mainstream. While our so-called secular political parties consider the minorities as vote banks, BJP tries to bring them near to India’s soul. The soul of India rests with Hindutva. We must make our brothers realize that all of us have a unique common culture. If this is achieved we can solve the Ramjanmabhoomi problem without much difficulties. Then Rama becomes a national hero, not only to Hindus but to our Muslim brothers too. BJP feels that it is the only way to bring about real national integration and I am of the view that it is the only way to solve the vexed Hindu-Muslim problem. For the BJP, I reiterate, Hindutva is paramount. Hindutva is an all-embracing umbrella. Whatever efforts we make, it will be on the strong foundation of undiluted Hindutva. 



There are a number of reports that NDF, the rabidly communal Muslim outfit is having links with Pakistan, ISI and other national and international terrorist organisations. In the past two years alone they have murdered several Hindu activists. They have the political support of both the LDF and UDF.  In what way we can dismantle the activities of this organisation.  How the BJP is going to create awareness of the growing Jihadi terror networks in Kerala?

Terrorist activities cannot be curtailed easily because they are strongly motivated and have the backing of religion. Severe and strict laws should be enforced with an iron hand to curb this menace. There should be a separate Cell in the Police department to monitor such anti-national activities. Their place of practice and bomb manufacturing should be destroyed.  At the same time the people should be made vigilant against such nefarious activities.  When workers of Hindu organisations are attacked and killed, there will be natural reactions.  No one with self-respect would bow his or her head to such brutes.  Of course, as I told you earlier, the BJP has already initiated a campaign to expose these Jihaid networks operating in Kerala.


There is a report that the CPM in Kerala received funds from CIA for anti-national activities.  What steps will BJP take to expose it and inform the public?

This is a serious issue and it has to be probed thoroughly. But with its proximity to Congress at the Centre, the party will not allow such an enquiry. The CPM has amassed huge wealth and it has now become a big corporate giant. They became rich by illegal deals and contracts. With the support of the Congress party they were able to kill the enquiry into the SNC-Lavlin deal involving 350 crores! The CPM has made corruption an art. The BJP will campaign for enquiry into the misdeeds of the CPM and they getting funds from CIA. 


How do you rate the Achutanandan ministry? 

It is a total failure on all fronts. In six months, people are completely disappointed, dejected and frustrated.  While in the agricultural sector, farmers suicides are continuing, Kodiyeri’s Police Raj is giving sleep less nights to citizens.  Ministers are not working in unison and the Chief Minister has become a laughing stock in public. The only development that is taking place is the development of the CPM and its coffers.  Whatever Achutanandan promised as the opposition leader has become false and in six months he proved himself to be inefficient and corrupt. The need of the hour is to form a third front strictly based on Hindutva ideology.  For this the BJP would organize mass movements to consolidate the Hindu force in Kerala.



— Interviewed by Shri.K. Ramakrishnan —


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