Sarsangachalak calls for Hindu unity

published on February 25, 2010

The 40-acre Ashra-mam Grounds in Kollam city on Wednesday evening became a picture of Kerala’s Hindu might and patriotic spirit with over 1,00,000 disciplined RSS volunteers lining up in full uniform (Purna Gana Vesh) to salute Sarsanghchalak Mohan Bhagwat at the Pranth Sanghik.

The event proved to be the declaration of resoluteness of Kerala’s Hindu mind to fight against all cultural and political degradations and to work selflessly for the welfare of humanity and uphold forever the spirit of Hindutva.

Addressing the meet, the RSS chief, who was on his first visit to God’s Own Country after assuming office, reminded the Swayamsevaks and Sangh Bandhus (supporters) that the problems of the country could be solved only through the selfless power of Hindutva. “Only Bharat, with its basic philosophy of Hindutva, can show the right path to the entire world,” he said.

Hitting out at all the cultural and political ills the various kinds of invasions had brought to the Indian society, Mohan Bhagwat asked all Hindus to devote themselves to the selfless mission of working for humanity. “They all say that unity is the basic need of the society. India alone has been able to grasp the true meaning of this unity, the relation between one and all, the relation between mankind and Nature…” he said.

Criticising the cultural degradation brought through westernisation of every aspect of life, the Sangh chief said some people who did not even constitute 4 per cent of the world population were trying to dominate the entire resources of the planet. In the same breath, he hit out at China for encircling India through its exercises on the border and involvements in the neighbouring countries. “Still, our rulers keep on saying nothing is happening,” he said.

Speaking against all kinds of extremism, including jihadi and the Maoist types, he criticised the Government for being soft towards such elements. “Why can’t the Government take a determined stand against extremism? Why do they show sympathy to such sections while the same sympathy is denied to the Kashmiri Pandits who have been wandering the streets like orphans?” he asked.

“Those who pardon the anti-nationals are forgetting those who work for the unity of the country,” the RSS chief exclaimed.

The RSS chief slammed all kinds of invasions – in agriculture in the form of Bt seeds, cultural amalgamations in the form of westernisation of lifestyle and economy — saying that India should understand its very basic strength of oneness that Hindutva had advocated. “Hindutva is universal philosophy, it is modern. India has to move ahead on the basis of Hindutva,” he said.

Coming down heavily on the tendency of the leading political parties to appease the minorities, he said the states in the country were vying among themselves to implement reservation. “Even courts say that the policy of reservation has been stretched too far. The very next day, the West Bengal Government brings in new reservation structure,” Bhagwat said.

“Political parties are assisting the growth of sentiments that harm the basic unity of this country. They refuse to listen to arguments against the special status given to Kashmir. They appease the minorities in such ways that are not justifiable on the basis of any imaginable criterion. Those who keep on saying that all should unite make no efforts to build that unity,” the RSS chief said.

“Look at Ayodhya, the Ram Janmbhoomi. Why the Hindus should keep on lamenting about building a temple for Lord Ram there? Why should they be waiting for the mercy of the Judiciary for that?” he asked, adding Hindu unity was inevitable.

The Pranth Sanghik, which became a unique event as this was the first time so many Swayamsevaks (more than 1,00,000 assembled at the same spot at one time in Kerala), got off to a start at 5 pm with the Dhwajarohan — flag hoisting — which was followed by the mass drill by the RSS volunteers. The Swayamsevaks were drawn from more than 4,500 shakhas of the Sangh in the State. Over 50,000 Sangh Bandhus from Thiruvananthapuram and Kollam districts participated in the event.

Prior to Mohan Bhagwat’s speech, RSS Kerala Pranth Karyavah P Gopalankutty Master introduced the dignitaries on the stage to the Assembly while Prof V Ramachandran Nair, chairman of the reception committee, welcomed the gathering. The Sanghik was presided over by Pranth Sanghchalak PEB Menon. Leaders and office-bearers of fraternal organisations also took part in the event.

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