
via IISH Communication Team published on October 9, 2008



Let us  live  a happy and prosperous  life useful  for ourselves, our family, society, nation and for  the  dharma.  How long we are living is not  important , how we are living is important. Participate in all good activities  for learning, teaching  and practicing  the  values in our life. Always associate with as many  organizations as possible and give all-round  support  for their  good missions. Never think that  only my work, my mission, my pathway, my teacher, my knowledge …..are correct. All good has some bad in it,  and  all bad  has  some good in it. Take good  from everywhere and give good to everyone  as our Vedas tell !


1. This Upanishad has two parts in it describing the  growth of   human embryo in the womb of the mother  and also  variety of parameters  connected with human life. 

2. The first part describes  about pancha bhootha  and gives  excellent  definition for the  pruthvi (as solid materials)  ap  ( as  fluid )  thejas ( which has  energy /heat )  vaayu (  which flows as electrons/electricity/..)  and  aakaasa (  which  exists as the finest particles – ions)

 3. Further descriptions goes to the six flavors (shad rasas) like, sweet /bitter/sour/saltish/ sour /pungent .

4. Then comes the  composition of the body like blood, bones, muscles  etc..

5. Further description  about the colors  and their  impact on the body..

6. In the second chapter of the Garbhopanishad, the systematic growth of the  embryo in the womb of the mother  is narrated. In the first day  the  fertilization takes place  as a continuation the  a solid  spherical  shape is  evolved as the  embryo within 15 days.

7.  The shape of the head and body evolves   within  15th  day and within 60 days.

8. Within 3rd  month, the feet  slowly separates  and  within 4th month  the  intestine, stomach and other internal organs evolve.  In the 5th month eyes, nose, ears grow.  And by the  8th month full growth attains and then  during the   9th month the baby remains  in  meditation with all organs  functioning steadily.

9. All the  mental  activities  start  during this period  .

10 In the 10th month the  baby gets its birth  with all qualities of human beings.  Thus ends the  Garbhopanishad.


More than  20 lectures were organized in Palakkad and Trissur district. One day seminar Paithruka sandesam -2008, on 5th october went on very well in Nattika, Trissur.Oct.2nd  iish family get together was  a great success with full of activities. Part of the 3rd floor concreting of  BVV building was  completed on Oct 2nd.


171.  The manager should practice all the good precedence  followed  by the  predecessors .

 172. He should see that  the progress and prosperity attain steadily  and systematically  within the specified time . 

 173. Never forget to practice the dharmic activities and if any lapse occurs in the practice of  dharma, the system will collapse. 

 174. Ultimate aims of a king /manager is to see that  his system /institute /organization   becomes  prosperous  even when competing with other organizations.

 175. All the positive activities performed  by the manager  will protect the manager  and  his  organization /country.

176. Accept good  suggestions  even from a mad man , or from a baby or  even a drunkard.

 177. This is like  producing the gold  from the gold minerals which contains  stones and  soil in them. 

178. A scholarly leader /king should listen to others’  suggestions and take  whatever  are relevant for them after carefully analyzing them.

179. This is like collecting the paddy grains from the  paddy field after the harvest.

180. Always remember that cows identify the things through smell, the scholars  through Vedas, the  king  find out the truth /facts   through the spies   and the common men through their eyes.


1. The oldest artifact of copper discovered from India  was made during 7786 +/- 120 BC.

2. A copper metal  obtained from Mehargarh  was made during 4745 +/- 90 BC. 

3. In Artha saasthra written by Chanakya it is mentioned that  the ores of copper  are heavy, tawny, green, ark blue, yellowish  tint, pale red  or red in color which agree  with modern observation in  many types of copper ores.

4. The above mentioned  description  suits to chalcopyrite, malachite, azurite and raw copper.

5. There is a wrong impression that copper metallurgy came to India from Iran, this has been proved  wrong by the  above description..

6. Rajpura, Dhariba and Udaipur  are the most famous ancient Indian copper mines  actively producing copper 3500 years ago.

7. There were 19  copper mines in Rajasthan during this period. 

8. There were  11 mines in UP, 12 in Bihar  including the biggest  copper mine of India the Baragunda of Hazaribag.

 9. The Ambamata copper mines in Gujarat were  functioning 2200 years ago.

10. Many copper mines  were  producing the metal in  Karnataka, Chitradurga, Guttur, Bandlomattis, Singbhum , Baragunda area  many millennia ago.

(Reference: Book published by IISH)



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