200 NDF activists attend ISI Training in Pakistan

via HK Correspondent published on May 27, 2006

KOCHI : Since the Islamic fanatic Tipu Sultan invaded Malabar, Muslims in Malabar began to emerge as a coherent Jihadi force to pose serious threat to Hindus. The Mopplia Revolution, Khalifat Movement, the emergence of Muslim League, and the creation of Pakistan have amplified the resurgence of Islamic fundamentalism in Kerala. Political parties like the Congress and the Communist party with vested interest in creating Muslim vote banks have increased the extent and threat posed by Islamic fundamentalism.


The emergence of NDF and PDP and the continued support of Pakistan ISI and Saudi/UAE petrodollars have created a new and more dangerous era in Kerala. The recent electoral alliance of the Marxist party with various Islamic terrorist groups in Kerala represented a tremendous moral as well as political victory for jihadi terrorists in Kerala.


Now it is being reported that more than 200 Islamic terrorists from Kerala affiliated to NDF working in Middle East have been recruited and provided Jihadi terrorism training in Pakistan terrorism training camps. Pakistan ISI agents are active in recruiting Kerala Jihadis working in the Middle East and sending them to Pakistan for terrorism training for some time. There is verifiable report that more than 500 NDF activists have been returned to Kerala for terrorist activities after undergoing terrorism training in Pakistan. It is also reported that the Jihadi murderers responsible for the murder of Hindu activists Manikantan (Chavakkad), Aswani Kumar (Kannur), Sunil Kumar (Kilimanoor) have already been reached back in their safe heaven in Saudi Arabia and UAE. NDF are successful in recruiting Jihadi terrorists from Kerala and brainwashing them with the extreme, perverse and fanatic islamic ideology because there is no deterrence in Kerala. Fueled by Pakistan and petrodollars, this Jihadi threat will exacerbate into a serious threat to Hindus in Kerala.


Since Muslim League leader E.Ahmed became India’s state Foreign Minister, Jihadi groups working in Saudi Arabia and UAE adapt an impeccably hostile and adversarial posture toward Hindus, with frequent terrorist strikes against innocent Hindus. Since there was no Police or judicial action against Marad murder, Kochi bus burning, Bepur bombing, Kozhikodu explosion, brutal murder of Manikandan, Aswani Kumar and Sunil Kumar NDF terrorists have found that preaching and executing Jihad is a useful enterprise. Pakistan ISI & Iran Jihadi groups have been quite honest about financing and training Kerala Muslim Jihadis.


It is time for all Keralities of good will from every faith and nature to recognize that a terrible danger threatens people of Kerala. We cannot afford to continue “business as usual” in the face of this existential threat. Keralites must set aside partisan bickering, and join to confront the danger that lies before Kerala.

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