RSS Seeks Complete Ban on Liquor Consumption, from Atham to Chathayam  

published on August 23, 2014

The Rashtreeya Swayamsevak Sangh has stated state government should place a total ban on the sale of liquor, with a complete closure of bars in the state, except those having five star accreditation, keeping in mind the Thiruvonam celebrations from Atham to Chathayam.   
RSS Pranthakaryavah P Gopalankutty Master pointed out that like the alcoholism, addition to drugs is a deadly phenomenon that has gripped society. “There should be stringent measures to tackle these,” he said, welcoming the Chief Minister’s announcement of closing down bars in the state by 1 April, 2015.
“All organizations should join hands and forge ahead in combating alcoholism, which has gripped society. Organizations like Kudumbasree, Gramasabha etc should take an initiative in arrangin programmes that create awareness against consumption of liquor. Art festivals should also focus on inculcating a mindset that fights against drugs and alcohol,” he said.
Earlier in July, RSS had conveyed to the Chief Minister against re-opening of bars that were hitherto closed down, following pressure exerted by liquor lobbies. 

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