Rashid, main accused in Massage centre sex racket

via www.newindpress.com published on June 23, 2006

Massage centre sex racket: Kingpin held

KOZHIKODE: Police have arrested P Rashid, the main accused and the owner of the Aswaradha massage centre here, from where six persons were arrested for immoral activities on Wednesday.

Rashid was picked up by the police team from a hideout at Mathilakam in Thrissur district. He was brought here to be produced before the court. The six persons arrested on Wednesday had been remanded to custody.

The police had also conducted a raid at another Ayurveda massage parlour near Planetarium on Wednesday. “But the massage centre was found vacated probably after the news of the raid at Nadakkavu spread,” said a police officer investigating the case. The centre is also said to be owned by Rashid.

Police had raided the Aswaradha a few months ago following media reports that immoral activities were being carried out at the massage centre under the guise of ayurveda treatment. The centre re-started two months ago.

Meanwhile, the police have decided to intensify its surveillance on massage and beauty parlours functioning in the city.

It is also planning to make identity cards compulsory for the employees of the beauty and massage parlours. The ban on female staff massaging males will be strictly imposed.

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