59 Lakhs for Terrorism breeding centres

via HK published on July 5, 2006

KOZHIKODE:  The Muslim Service Society has demanded the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development to release a grant sanctioned for developing madrassas. In a statement here, the general secretary of the society said Rs 59 lakhs had been sanctioned for 82 madrassas in seven districts of the state. A memorandum to this effect was submitted to Minister for Education M A Baby by the National Minorities Education Review Committee member P M Mohammed Koya.


As part of UPA govt’s Muslim appeasement policy, Ministry of Human resources sanctioned Rs. 59 lakhs for Madrasas in Kerala state on April 2006. The generous help was in response to previous UDF govt’s request for the same.


Two teachers each in 82 selected Madrasas will receive Rs. 3000 each as part of their terrorism promotion curriculum for young Muslim children.


This is the same ‘secular’ govt. who is trying to hinder the proper functioning and even suspended to give grant for thousands of Vanavasi Ekal Vidyalayas, which is providing value based education for thousands of children in India.


For the vote bank politics the govt. is providing maximum funds to appease minorities and the same minorities are again receiving millions of funds from foreign countries. The final result will be, hard earned money of poor Hindu tax payers and devotees are routed to the hands of anti nationals to promote terrorism in the nation.

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