Vandematarm banned in school

via HK published on October 10, 2006

Kasargode: PTA, ie Parents teachers association of  Govt.Higher Secondary School in Kanghanghad  had issued an unusual order that, There wont be Vandemataram singing in the School for next one year!


The issue started when a group of Islamic extremist students in the school made trouble in the school against the routine Vandemataram singing in the School. Later Police filed case against 30 students and arrested 2. They are in police custody now.


It was at this juncture due to the pressure from Islamist terrorists NDF and Muslim leagues students wing MSF,the PTA decided to ban the Patriotic song in the school.


Hindu Aikya Vedi strongly protested this stand of PTA and led protest march to school yesterday. 

Vandemataram was singing in the school since its starting on every Wednesdays, The present issue created by the Islamist extremist is seen as to create trouble in the area.   

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