One more Jehadi Terrorist arrested from Aravana Plant in Sabarimala

via HK published on December 11, 2006

Sabarimala: Police arrested one more Jehadi Terrorist from Sabarimala on Sunday. Asim (32) managed to infiltrate inside the Aravana Plant in a fake Hindu name.Asim hailing from Sooranadu is suspected to have close links with Jihadi extremists.


He was working in the Aravana Plant without any Police clearance certificate or Identity card. This incident also points to the negligence of officials while recruting to such important plants where Aravana the main offering for Swami Ayappan is made in huge quantity.


These deadly terrorists won’t even hesitate to mix poison in Swami’s offering which is being consumed by millions of Devotees round the Globe.


A Special Police Team is investigating more about the details of Terrorists from Palani who were arrested last week.These arrests confirms the intelligence report that many Jehadi Terrorists are planning to infiltrate into High security zones in Sabarimala.

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