Tailless Dogs-Victims of Jehadi Terrorists

via HK published on March 20, 2007

Kozhikode: The Dogs in Nadapuram, Valayam ,Kuttiyadi towns of Kozhikode are unique from rest of the dogs in Kerala. The dogs in these area don’t have tails, We are not talking about posh dogs like Dobber Man, but about stray dogs.


These dogs are the victims of Jehadi Terrorism in the state.The active Jehadi training centres in North East towns Kozhikode district uses this new technique to reinforce their beheading skills and make them fearless.Training is imparted in beheading running dogs.


Trainers are asked to chase a running dog in motorbike and slash its tail or sever its head. Special training is provided to improve marksmanship by stabbing running dogs with a sharp dagger and swords. Dogs are often forced to endure repeated stabs or blows and they are pierced with swords as part of the training.The dead dogs are dumped in dust pits but those without tails roam around with a message “Fanatics are dangerous than Mad Dogs”


The recent Murder of Lakshman in Tanur by tow motorbike borne terrorists shows they are now efficient in shifting their skills practiced on dogs, now to Hindus as well.

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