Minority Self Financing Colleges;A threat to Hindu Soceity -RSS

via HK published on July 5, 2007

Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh passed the resolution urging Kerala government to take control measures to curb the growth of self financing colleges in the name of Minority rights. RSS pranthiya Karya Kartha Shibiram held at C.N.N,High shool,Thrissivaperoor, passed the  resolution   with a footnote on the grave issue of “Sabotaging social justice in the name of Minority rights, aimed at hindering the progress of Hindu Community.”




The Educational front in Kerala has a long history of heritage associated with great sages like Sri Narayana Guru, who urged to earn wisdom through learning. The aim of education is to  prepare students for a life of happiness and usefulness to themselves and to the society at large, by eradicating from their minds all traces of casteism communalism, provincialism, and sectarianism. The Guru always emphasized that the goal of education is not merely to produce good individuals but to turn out individuals who understand their social responsibilities as integral elements of society in which they live.


Following this renaissance,many service societies ventured into this field with service as their motto.Unfortuantely, today’s jackals disguised in sheep’s skin, have discarded all the ethics, in the guise of minority rights. Today it has turned out into a Market, with a sole aim of financial growth and propagation of religions as primary importance. Anyone can see that in today’s Kerala, 75% of the aided and 90% of the un-aided professional colleges are under minority organisations. This situation will eventually lead to the extinction of Hindus from the field of higher education, and would leave it inaccessible for them. The experience from last 55 years proves that, the Ministry of Education itself is unreachable for the majority Hindus.




Though, Kerala was a front runner in the field of primary education, it lagged behind in the case of technical education. The successive governments also failed miserably in improving the technical education sector. This culminated in the practice of rich parents sending their children to neighbouring states for professional studies. As a result, the economically backward Hindus fell out of the race where the criteria for technical education were only money. Under these circumstances, the then UDF government granted permission to two self-financing colleges on the agreement of 50:50 seats. The laymen of Kerala agreed to this proposal under the belief that admission for the 50% of the seats will be according to the government norms, while the admission for other 50% was for the managements to decide. As a matter of fact, out of the 50% government seats, 10% is reserved for SC/ST, 9% for Ezhava & 5% for other backward Hindu communities, by respecting the ‘creamy-layer’ criteria.However, the infamous TMA Pai case declared that no control shall be exerted on minority institutions, which is being raised as the excuse for present ‘Education business’ by Pushpagiri and other Minority college managements.




Any society, anywhere in the world, prevails on mutual trust and respect between its communities, apart from the written laws in the constitution. Therefore, those people who promised to adhere to the 50:50 agreement, changing their words later on had  breached the mutual trust. On this fact, the minority managements have no moral right to deviate from what they have agreed to the Government of Kerala and it’s people.


Moreover, all self-financing institutes must follow the same criteria which the aided professional colleges have been following till date. After-effects of sabotaging 50:50 agreement, will have far reaching effects in the lives of ordinary Hindus who have been fooled by the greedy minority managements.



According to the 50:50 agreement between the Govt and management, in an academic year there will be, 11295 government seats and 7347 open merit seats. In that 1128 is SC/ST seats,1011 for  Ezhava  and 564 seats for OBC was promised in professional courses. However, as a result of the TMA Pai case, the minority managements have flayed the above promised seat proportions in the name of their ‘Minority rights’. As mentioned before, such a move from the managements is aimed only at hindering the educational progress of Hindus in Kerala. Such forces shall not be let free to take Hindu sentiments and social justice for granted. Moreover, it is important to note that, there are several forces within the minority management who try to weaken the Hindu religion through their missionary works and propagandas. If the Aided colleges run by the minorities start to follow the same pattern, the future of Hindu children will be undoubtedly in darkness!




For these reasons, it would be highly impossible for RSS to pretend that such shrewd attempts are not noticed.RSS demanded that, every political party, every Hindu caste based societies and the several cultural leaders must come forward and voice their concern for protecting the rights for Education for the poor Hindu society.


RSS blamed that the dis-unity among Hindus and the vote bank tactics of the minorities as the main reasons for prompting the political parties for letting off the education field to be monopolized. The present education minister must stop playing ‘Hide and seek’ with his patrons. The Government should not let any college to function, that breached the 50:50 agreements. If the government fails on their part to check on such religious forces, the Hindu society will be forced to take up that responsibility”-RSS warned in their meeting here.




It is the high time for Hindus of Kerala to unite against the social crimes being perpetrated on them.’ How far we have to go before the Hindu revolution begins’ is the only question prevailing now.

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