Kummanam Rajasekharan to take charge of Janmabhumi Daily

via HK published on July 6, 2007

Thrissur: RSS State level meet decided to appoint Shri Kummanam Rajasekharan as the new in charge of  Janmabhumi Daily.Former Thiruvananthapuram Saha Vibagh Pracharak M.C.Valsan will take over the position of Kummanam Rajasekharan as VHP General Secretary.


Sri. Kummanam Rajasekharan is a native of Kottayam and one of Kerala’s most effective and dedicated Hindu leaders. Following his successful involvement in the Nilakkal Movement in 1983, Sri. Kummanamji gave up his lucrative government job and became a full-time pracharak with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. He was instrumental in spearheading Kerala’s Kshetra Samrakshana Samiti, Manashakti, Balasadanam, and Ekal Vidyalaya in Kerala.Recently held Kshetra Raksha Yatra was also under his  leadership.

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