Dismiss the Devaswom Board, Which Topples Temple festival- Ayyappa Seva Yuvajana Sangham

via HK published on March 1, 2008

Thiruvananthapuram: State executive meeting of the Ayyappa Seva Yuvajana Sangham asked
the Government to immediately dismiss the Dewaswom Board. It said that
the board, which had toppled the preparations for the Mahasivaratri
festival at several temples, had no right to continue in office.

Devotees now suspect the cold war in Devaswom Board among Devaswom Board members nominated by Left leaning parties of ruling LDF, is acting out a clever Communist Conspiracy to destroy the Temples in the state.

Many Temple festivals including famous Aluva Sivarathri Festival is now in uncertainity following the infight of Board Members.

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