RSS will not Tolerate attack against Shakhas and Swayamsevaks-Pranth Karyavahak A R Mohan.

via HK published on May 21, 2008

: Communist party is violating the conditions assured in peace meeting held under Chief Minister in Kannur, Told RSS Pranth Karyavahak A R Mohan.


CPM activists are provoking swayamsevaks by attacking the shakhas in Kannur , Freedom to conduct Shakhas in Kannur was assured by Chief minister but the recent attacks against Shakhas in Kannur has created tension in several areas.


Police is acting with bias and not taking actions against those who are behind the attacks. RSS will never tolerate such attacks against the shakha and swayamsevaks.


CPM will be solely responsible, If the prevailing peace is disturbed warned Mohanji.He requested CPM leadership to control their cadres and not to unleash violence which will only help to make the situation worse.

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