Amarnath and Sabarimala Pilgrims – Victims of ‘ECOLOGY’ Mantra

via HK published on July 30, 2008


: A project aimed for the benefit of Hindus is an exceptional phenomenon in Kerala, and when it happens the enemies of Hinduism will work overnight to sabotage it. This is what happened in case of ‘Sabari’ Rail project as well.


The proposed Sabari Railway line from Angamali to Erumeli has been successfully sabotaged yesterday citing ‘ECOLOGICAL’ reasons! The Christian pressure groups thwarted the project as the railway line passes through Christian majority areas!


To know the extend of this Hindu hatred one should compare the same with Sethu project, which invited genuine wrath from many renowned Environmentalists.


In one case the enemies of Hindus use ‘ECOLOGY’ as a cover to hamper easy access to Sabarimala for millions of Hindus and in other case the Government is willing to destroy National Monument Ram Sethu and cause massive destruction to Marine Ecology .


In case of Amarnath land transfer controversy also, Jihadi’s came up with the concern of  ‘ECOLOGICAL DISASTER’ if provided land to Hindu pilgrims! In Jammu , staunch Hindus are united and now waging a tough battle against the ongoing Hindu Humiliation. But unfortunately in Kerala the divided Hindu will swallow this ‘ECOLOGY’ tablet without any inkling and will sing Chorus to SECULARISTS


All these stage shows to satisfy the Selfish needs of few Anti Hindus  

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