Nitin Gadgari on his maiden visit to Kerala

via HK published on February 11, 2010

Thiruvanananthapuram: Kerala will welcome Nitin Gadgari, the new BJP president who is on his maiden visit to Kerala after taking up the new responsibility.

 BJP’s new President who already won the heart of many by his leadership skills and straight forward attitude to deal with the problems of common man is in Kerala to be part of the massive Rally organised by State BJP Unit against price rise on February 13th.

GadgarI who will reach Thiruvananthapuram by today evening will meet the press at 5 PM at Press Club. On Saturday he will meet of State office bearers of BJP after paying floral tributes to Ayyankali at Vellayambalam. In the evening he will address the public at Central Stadium by inaugurating the protest rally against price hike.  

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